Experience the ultimate in luxury with our Torpedo 7 X 52 premium hand-rolled cigars. Crafted in the classic Cuban style and tradition, these cigars boast a unique blend of aged Nicaraguan grown late primed tobacco, resulting in a rich and complex flavor profile. Each cigar is carefully rolled by skilled artisans, ensuring a consistently exquisite smoking experience every time. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a newcomer to the world of cigars, the Torpedo 7 X 52 is sure to impress with its impeccable construction and unparalleled taste. Elevate your cigar collection with these top-of-the-line, long filler cigars.
"Crown Estate" Torpedo 7 X 52
Connecticut Seco Condego
Viso Ometepe
Viso JalapaDoble Capa Seco Condego
Viso Ometepe
Viso JalapaHabano Ligero Jalapa
Viso Ometepe
Seco CondegaMaduro Ligero Jalapa
Viso Esteli
Viso Ometepe
Seco Esteli