Introducing the Torpedo 6 1/8 X 52, a luxurious hand-rolled cigar at an affordable price. These Nicaraguan puro cigars are crafted with long filler tobacco, providing a smooth and flavorful smoking experience. With a distinctive torpedo shape and ample 6 1/8 X 52 size, these cigars are perfect for those seeking a premium smoke without breaking the bank. Whether you're an aficionado or new to premium cigars, the Torpedo 6 1/8 X 52 is sure to impress with its rich and complex flavors. Don't miss out on the chance to indulge in these amazing hand-rolled cigars that deliver exceptional quality for the price.
"House Blend" Torpedo 6 1/8 X 52
$119.90 Regular Price
$59.95Sale Price
Seco Jalapa-Criollo 98
Relleno Condega-Corojo 99
Viso Jalapa-Habano