Introducing the Crown Estate Gran Toro Cameroon, a premium hand-rolled cigar that pays homage to the classic Cuban style and tradition. This 6 X 54 Boxpress cigar is expertly crafted with a unique blend of aged Nicaraguan grown late primed tobacco, resulting in a smooth and rich smoking experience. The Cameroon wrapper adds a touch of sweetness to the overall flavor, making it a perfect choice for any cigar enthusiast looking for a well-balanced and bold cigar. With its impeccable construction and long filler, the Crown Estate Gran Toro is sure to elevate your cigar collection. Whether you are a seasoned connoisseur or a novice smoker, this exquisite cigar is a must-try for anyone who appreciates the art of premium hand-rolled cigars.
"Crown Estate" Gran Toro Cameroon 6 X 54 Boxpress
Seco Jalapa
Viso Jalapa
Ligero Esteli