Introducing the Toro 6 X 52, a premium hand-rolled cigar crafted in the classic Cuban style and tradition. This exquisite cigar is made with unique blends of aged Nicaraguan grown late primed Tobacco, creating a rich and robust flavor profile that is sure to impress even the most discerning cigar aficionados. Each cigar is expertly rolled with long filler tobacco, ensuring a smooth and even burn from start to finish. With its 6 X 52 dimensions, this Toro cigar offers a generous smoking experience, perfect for those who appreciate a longer smoke. Elevate your cigar collection with the Toro 6 X 52, a true masterpiece of craftsmanship and flavor.
"Crown Estate" Toro 6 X 52
Cameroon Seco Jalapa
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Ligero EsteliCandela Seco Condega
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Seco CondegaMaduro Ligero Jalapa
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Seco Esteli