Introducing the Salomoncito 5 3/8 x 52 – a masterpiece of hand-rolled artisan cigars that exudes a perfect blend of craftsmanship and artistry. Made with the finest tobacco sourced from the fields of Nicaragua, these cigars offer a rich and complex flavor profile that will delight even the most discerning of aficionados. Each Salomoncito is meticulously crafted with a stunning artistic design that adds an extra touch of elegance and sophistication to every smoking experience. Whether you’re a seasoned cigar enthusiast or a casual smoker, the Salomoncito is a must-have for anyone who appreciates the finer things in life. Elevate your cigar collection with these exquisite masterpieces and indulge in the luxurious flavor and aroma that only a hand-rolled artisan cigar can deliver.
"Artisan" Salomoncito 5 3/8 x 52
Seco Esteli, Viso Jalapa, Seco Ometepe