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Introducing the Behike 6 1/2 X 56, the epitome of hand rolled premium cigars. Crafted with passion and expertise, these cigars feature a unique blend from the five growing regions in Nicaragua, ensuring a rich and diverse flavor profile. The tobacco used in the Behike 6 1/2 X 56 was primed towards the end of the harvest, resulting in exceptional quality and a smooth smoking experience. Whether you're a seasoned cigar aficionado or a newcomer to the world of premium cigars, the Behike 6 1/2 X 56 is sure to impress with its unparalleled taste and luxurious smoke. Indulge in the ultimate cigar experience with this meticulously crafted masterpiece.

"Crown Estate" Behike 6 1/2 X 56

  • Cameroon Seco Jalapa, Viso Jalapa, Ligero Esteli
    Connecticut Seco Condego, Viso Ometepe, Viso Jalapa 
    Habano Ligero Jalapa, Viso Ometepe, Seco Condega
    Maduro Ligero Jalapa, Viso Esteli, Viso Ometepe, Seco Esteli


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