Introducing our Churchill 7 X 52, a hand rolled premium cigar crafted with the finest tobacco from Nicaragua's 5 growing regions. Each cigar features a long filler of Nicaraguan tobacco that was primed towards the end of the harvest, ensuring a rich and complex flavor profile. With a length of 7 inches and a ring gauge of 52, this cigar is the perfect size for a long and leisurely smoke. Whether you're a seasoned cigar aficionado or new to the world of premium cigars, the Churchill 7 X 52 is sure to impress with its impeccable construction and superior taste. Indulge in the ultimate smoking experience with this exquisite Nicaraguan cigar.
"Crown Estate" Churchill 7 X 52
Connecticut Seco Condego, Viso Ometepe, Viso Jalapa Doble Capa 7 X 48 Seco Condego, Viso Ometepe, Viso Jalapa Doble Capa 7 X 52 Seco Condego, Viso Ometepe, Viso Jalapa Habano Ligero Jalapa, Viso Ometepe, Seco Condega Maduro Ligero Jalapa, Viso Esteli, Viso Ometepe, Seco Esteli